Are We Transitioning to An age of It-Bags Again?

let me tell you a secret…


Or at least, the fashion authorities have fondly proclaimed such, at least for once, every year or so since the early 2010s. as well as every time they’ve made stated proclamation, it is usually complied with by a listing including some sequence of the Fendi Baguette, the Dior Saddle, the Chloé Paddington as well as the Balenciaga Motorcycle, I’m all “really, again? Aren’t they over as well as done with?” I bet you believed the exact same as well when you came across this article.

But to be fair, I must admit that I *really* like reading (and frequently re-reading) these pieces – I discover something extremely redeeming about that (supposedly) easier time featuring flared low-rise denim as well as irrationally heavy purses – particularly since they are from a time when I was, well, in existence, however wasn’t worldly sufficient to understand of such things. However, although a decade has passed since the It-bag allegedly died, its obituary continues to be circulated around like a scandalous secret, as well as yes, I do comprehend the intrigue of that.

In fact, the interesting stories behind exactly how these It-bags came to be is one of the things that drew me in to the world of handbags in the very first place, as well as composing about them makes me feel like part of their stories, even if I am not able to experience most, provided my circumstances. Moreover, purses are frequently referred to as wearable works of art, as well as even though the BBag or the PS1 may never once again ended up being the “hottest thing to own right now”, their aficionados continue to devotedly study, gather as well as like these creative pieces, regardless of their It-bag status, or lack thereof.

Fendi Baguette
via FashionPhile


What Constitutes an It-Bag

So that increases the question, what constitutes an It-bag? Plum Sykes from vogue famously composed that, “an It bag, is an It bag only if you’re unlikely to possess it”. It’s “that totemic accessory that revealed you were owner of all that was desirable in the world.” however it isn’t only their ramification of specific social condition or restricted distribution strategy (spurring long waitlists as well as immediate sell-outs), or even the designer’s heritage, that makes them so desirable. They requirement to marry fantastic style as well as top-notch high quality too, as Amanda has so aptly directed out; no question lovers of the Paddington continue to reminisce its thick, buttery leather in spite of its weighty padlock as well as dated design.

Finally, a purse’s “It” factor was determined by its sighting in the right location at the right time, as well as on the right person – frequently by pure serendipity, however more frequently than not, likewise by clever product placement. So while the Fendi Baguette made a flamboyant Sex as well as the City debut in the process of getting snatched from Sarah Jessica Parker’s arms – as well as let’s be honest, a fair part of women wished to do the exact same – Jessica Stam, famous for being recruited from a coffee shop as well as utilizing a quilted, chained Marc Jacobs handbag as her portfolio, led to the Stam’s subsequent naming as well as immense popularity, something which Jacobs himself hadn’t anticipated.

By that definition, however, a great deal of bags have It-bag characteristics, like the Hermès Kelly as well as Birkin, the Chanel 2.55 or the Louis Vuitton Speedy, all of which have fantastic designs, remarkable quality, celeb-followings, quirky backstories as well as are (often) hard-to-get. Does that mean though that they’re It-bags?

Dior Saddle Bag
via FashionPhile


Also, one more loophole in this narrative seems to be that a few of the It-bags of yore either continue to stay in production to date, whether it’s the Balenciaga City or the Proenza Schouler PS1, or those, like the Dior Saddle, Prada Nylon Re-Edition, as well as the Fendi Baguette that have been reissued to newer crowds. However, there’s now a general drive towards treating them as “classics” as opposed to an It-bag. Besides those, there’s a slew of sleek, new styles on the market, all of which in shape the characteristics that defined the It-bag era, like the Bottega Veneta pouch (Or Casette, or Jodie), the Louis Vuitton Coussin, the Dior book carry as well as the Prada Cleo.

And if you have been noticing, you’d realise that ever since the alleged “death” of the It-bag movement, there’s been a rising inclination towards more minimalistic, “classic” silhouettes. It was during this period that “investment bags” ended up being the thing to have, as well as indie-brands started to gain traction in a method they might never have accomplished earlier. Not only that, although patterns do seem to oscillate between logo-less as well as all-over logo, sometimes throwing specific “showy” aspects like chunky chains into the mix as well, 2000-tallet høj kvalitet af maksimalistiske poser ses sjældent, såvel som til det bedre, vil mange hævde.

En anden veritabel spiludveksler i fremtrædende pungekultur er Instagram (og for nylig Tiktok), hvis indvirkning har været todelt. Til at begynde med er det nu lettere end nogensinde at få den eksponering, som avancerede mærker tidligere måtte kæmpe for: Derfor kan det “rigtige sted, rigtige tid” -øjeblik genskabes lige på en forbrugers feeds! Socialt netværk har også sat en platform, hvor nye mærker kan vise sig selv i en metode, der tidligere var godt næsten umulig blandt high-end-spillere, så nu er berømtheder såvel som influencers håndtag lige så meget om at gøre den næste ”nye enorme ting ”Så meget som de handler om at flagre deres designerkøb. Faktisk var det ligeledes ofte nyheden i en taske, der bidrog til dens it-faktor: Prada Nylon-rygsækken var den allerførste high-end-taske til at bruge materialet, mens Proenza Schouler PS1, der ofte blev udråbt som logo-mindre Anti-It-taske, opnåede hurtigt it-pag-stjernestatus. Stuart Vevers, stilen strålende bag mange hæfteklammer fra Mulberry, træner såvel som Loewe, bemærkede om dette til observatøren, “Hvad der gør en it -taske er noget nyt – det er den eneste formel der er.”

Prada Vela rygsæk
via FashionPhile

$ 525

Er it-pag virkelig død?

Så når vi prøver at undersøge (og potentielt overtænke) bane for it-pags, bliver det gradvis vanskeligt at spore enhver form for solid sti overhovedet. Bør Longchamp Le Pliage i det ekstremt bund af omkostningsspektret, såvel som det er i alles skabe, tænkes på en it-taske? Hvis ikke, hvad med de overkommelige priser Mansur Gavriel Bucket, der ofte blev udråbt som en moderne it-taske også? På den anden side, skal Chanel-drengen, som ikke er så “klassisk-y” som 2.55, tænkes på en it-taske eller en “klassiker”? Faktisk er den eneste egenskab, der ser ud til at gælde for de historiske IT-poss, at deres popularitet var flygtig. De kom, de erobrede så godt, da de roligt gjorde deres metode til videresalgsmarkedet, da mærker i dag går på at udslette nye stilarter i håb om at replikere deres formler samt opnå dette niveau af succes såvel som ønskværdighed. Så mere såvel som flere poser i dagens mættede markedsgevinstpopularitet, drevet af scoringer af påvirkere, hvoraf mange kun er baseret på posens unboxing/anmeldelser, er vi tilbage til en alder af it-pags, eller har det Endte med at være vanskeligere at fremstille it-pags til mærker?

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